Self Reflection 5-Day Challenge Answers Day 1

Day 1: How to change habits

What motivates me to keep up with a habit?

Pretty much nothing, which is why it’s so hard to change them. I guess if there was one thing that motivates me, it’s if it improves and/or simplifies my life or makes me happy

When I want to quit, what can I tell myself to get me back on track?

This is good for me or for my son. This will make my life better. This will simplify things.

How do you think some of your bad habits were formed?

I get tired and depressed and into survival mode. Stuff I learned as a child.

Thinking of your future self, what habits do they have?

They eat well, are organized, has a system to stay on top of everything.

How can you incorporate habits of the person you want to become in your daily life now?

Start eating healthier, work on organizing and putting systems into action.

What habits are you proud of?

Pretty much none of them?

How are you going to incorporate these new habits without getting overwhelmed?

Thats easy. Start slow, not be hard on myself screwing up, but push myself to keep going.

What can you reward yourself with for completing your new daily habits?

I’m not sure to be honest. Good food? Yeah, goes against eating well. A prize or special present? Not if I’m broke… Maybe I’ll be able to think of something… Or if any of you read this, what do you suggest?

Day 2: How To Reach Your Goals

Is what I’m doing in my daily life bringing me closer or farther away from my goals?

Both. There are some things I do that take me farther away from them. Other things I do take me closer, but not as fast as I would like.

Am I happy with how I spend my time?

I’m not happy, so is it even relevant? Sometimes I’m happy with how I spend my time. Most of the time I’m not, at least not recently.

What steps can I take to get closer to where I want to be in the future?

Managing my time better would be one. But I think I need to start at a different place than that. I guess the 1st step would be to determine what and where I want to be.

What is one goal that scares me?

Pretty much all of them honestly. I have a larger fear of success than I do of failure. I have a fear of succeeding, having everything I want, then fucking it up for losing it. That is way worse than never having it.

What is one goal I am confident in?

None, honestly. I’m not confident about any of them. I’m not sure what I want.  

Am I excited about my goals?

No, I’m afraid of them. I also don’t know what I want anymore. I’m back in survival mode. Everything is about survival.

What is one goal I can accomplish this week?

I can figure out what my goals are. I can make a list of habits I want and I can make a plan.

How can I make sure I stay on track towards achieving my goals?

Stay on top of them and stay healthy, I guess. If I knew how to do this I’d already be doing it. So, maybe I learn how to stay on track.

When I want to quit, what am I going to tell myself to get me to stay motivated?

Determination, I suppose. That the only way to have a better life and my son’s is to follow through improve my life.

How many times a year am I going to check in with my progress on my goals?

I’m not sure yet. It depends on the goal. The first ones will probably be small, so very often. Other ones, monthly or quarterly.

Who am I going to share my goals with to help keep me accountable?

My son keeps me on track. He protects me. Probably Paul, maybe someone else down the line.

Day 3: Managing Money

Are you happy with the ways you spend money?

What could you cut back on?

How many streams of income do you currently have?

What else could you do to create more?

Do you forgive yself for past money mistakes?

What have you learned about money so far?

What are your parents’ views on money? Did they influence yours?

How can you start practicing gratitude for the money you do have?

What are you going to tell yourself to avoid spending money in your savings account?

How are yu going to stop yourself from being influenced by others to spend?

Day 4: Finding Your Purpose in Life

What Do you feel your purpose is? Family, life, career?

Why are you here?

What do you want to be remembered for?

What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

What were you doing when you felt the most alive?

What are you motivated by?

What are you willing to sacrifice for?

Who inspires you?

What storeis inspire you?

If you feel that you are currently not living your purpose, how are you going to transition so you are?

Who can you talk to when you feel lost?

What fears do I need to manage?

What do I want to become?

Day 5: Living Your Truth

3 things you like about yourself

3 things you’re proud of

3 things that make you happy

3 affirmations you’ll tell yourself when feeling down

a list of people you’re grateful for

Sat. May 4, 2024

April 27, 2024

April 24, 2024

Fri April 19, 2024

April 16, 2024 (mid-day)

I don’t have long to write so I’ll probably add more later. Yeah. this will be more outline of what I need to add.

Sonny’s Birthday was Sunday, we went out with Asshole and his gf.

Found out that day one of my old friends died.

Between those two things, I’ve been a mess, but trying to keep things normal.

Brad and I are good. Asked him about that be yourself thing. It was nothing. More something he says, not a “hint” or something. That was last night.

Yeah gotta get ready for work now.

Friday, April 12, 2024

I’m feeling a little tense today. Or at least this evening. I really shouldn’t be this awake and nervous this late at night. I’m not sure where to start with things. I mean, what’s “bothering” me right now is a little up in the air.

I do miss talking to Brad. We’ve been talking less lately, but seeing each other a bit more. I mean anything is more than once every year. But it’s been maybe once a month?

He said he wanted to help me pay for some work on my car. He seemed to be surprised when he heard my sister sent me a little money to help me with my car. Or maybe it was that I put it on Facebook. But I do share my hardships on there more than my successes. But then again, I don’t think I have any successes.

I was really happy when Brad said he’d help me with the car. It just made me happy that he wants to go there with me. Especially because I was starting to think he was getting sick of me or mad at me.

He wasn’t, and he knew he had messed up a little bit. Cuz the next day he kissed my ass. and then I sucked his dick. Yes, kissing my ass and being nice goes a very long way with me. Especially when you really didn’t do that much wrong.

I think I need to start writing here more and just spend more time focusing on me. Cuz I’ve really been missing him lately. I’ve missed talking to him. I just have. I can’t help it. I haven’t been real flirty lately though.

It might have something to do with the energy going on. This last week has been crazy astrological. Last week was actually supposed to be one of the craziest weeks energetically. April in general has a lot going on.

He also said two things that are stuck in my mind. One was that he was at husband of my ex best friends house. Now he may have said that because we don’t really talk about my ex bestie. So it may have just been that.

But he also mentioned he wants me to be myself. We’ll get back to that. The two of these together though make me wonder if the ex bestie and her husband finally broke up. I wouldn’t be shocked at all, they’ve almost done it a few times. Mostly because sheisn’t really being who she is. She’s playing house, in the bad way.

I do kinda want to ask him if I did something to make him think I wasn’t being genuine. Or something. I’ll have to go over some things. I also need to call. I’ve got a lot to do. It’s my son’s birthday this Sunday and I’m not ready. and the next weekend or two we are doing stuff because of it.

I love him and doing things with him, it’s all the other people and my car that stress me out. I always feel like I haven’t done enough. That’s why I feel like I don’t have any successes. I never feel like I’m succeeding, just that I’m surviving.

I guess I just have to try and keep going.

April 7, 2924 early

Brad still hasn’t messaged me. 2 full days and it’s the longest we haven’t talked in a couple months. I’m hating this, and don’t know what is up his ass.

Ok, I had to get that out. Yeah I could message him. But fuck that. He gave me the impression he didn’t want to talk, so nothing. at least for a min. cuz I’m trying not to be irrational, but the longer we go without talking the more irrational I’m gonna be. I just don’t know why he’s distant. if I knew that I’d be better.

I know he’ll be back, I know he’s busy and tired and not my boyfriend. But I dislike the lack of checking in. The checking-in gives me stability and calm. GRRR.
Whatever, fine. I don’t like this. I’m sure it’s some lesson I’m supposed to learn though. I just don’t want to deal with this. Fucking pissed comes to mind. Don’t fucking play.

Sat. April 6, 2024

April 5, 2024

March 29, 2024

I’m not exactly sure what is bugging me, but I’m restless. It’s Thursday night. I wanted to stay home tonight, but instead I worked and made a much needed $50. I saw Brad late on Tuesday night. I have to say I really do like our late night encounters. It’s basically a booty call with chit chat. It’s him so I don’t mind. He wanted it to be my idea.

Same night earlier, I had a pick up at RO’s restaurant. He was in the back cooking or running the line. I’m not sure if he saw me and as soon as I saw him I went around the corner. I was uncomfortable and restless. Sometimes that place is really slow to get orders out. Anyway while I was there he came out and said hi to a lady and her baby. Then another woman came in and she stepped in by the kitchen to talk to him.

I wasn’t exactly jealous, but I really was wondering what did I do? I asked the dice and it said he didn’t see me. but I’m not sure it would have mattered. I just wish I could have sat there and waited without feeling weird. I just don’t know what’s up or what to do.

In between those I saw something really horrible. This is where I tell you to stop reading if you are
sensitive to animal cruelty. No really






I was driving to deliver an order I actually missed the turn because I saw two glowing eyes in the middle of the street. It was a raccoon. it had been hit, which I’ve seen. But it was still alive and trying to crawl out of the road. And I’m pretty sure it was the most horrible things Ive ever seen.

I’m trying to forget about it.

I talked to Brad a little bit about my dreams earlier. Not my hopes and dreams, but my when I’m sleeping dreams. I think he fell asleep before he read about some of the things I dream about. probably a good thing. I think he can take it. I guess we’ll see.

it’s 3am here, only a little past my bedtime. but I do gotta go to sleep soon.